FadeToBlack good question. I saw a film in which an artist painted a portrait of a beautiful woman, he then hid the painting behind a brick wall.
As for why I paint,or write on this board I think all forms of physical expression are a weary pain . For example to write on this board, we have gone through negative experiences which is why we are here.Why do we post? I mean It's putting ourself out their risking negative feed back, but we do it? I call that Art.But that hasn't answered the why? I think real artists have no choice, they create all the time, as for people like me, I realize my limits, and it's just a hobby as opposed to watchingT.V
Of course it's also nice if people like my posts, my art, me as a person, but It's not so important, you have to be pretty thick skinned when you leave the witnesses.
I think the bottle flip challenge is art, I mean first you flip a bottle and with practice it finally lands wrong side up, then with further practice you get better and think up individual new challenges and ways to flip a bottle.
Has anyone seen Dude perfect on you tube?I think those guys are artists.